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Standup Evolved Fighting System.Way of the Future

From CEO SEFS Commander Steveo, White Coats Sovereign Forces.  Hi guys our White belt and Green belt training manual is being produced. Its going along nicely. Will include a Cheat Sheet for those who don"t want to do thousands of hours of repetitive training. Synopsis.  An understanding of our minds and bodies.  An understanding of our Bio Metric Ids, especially in relation to the Boi Mechanics of a kick and punch.  An understanding of why learning partner training from the get go is paramount in becoming a Joining Technique Specialist.  When we learn something, someone usually holds our hand. Although not literally. An understanding of how the use of the 3x time zones are paramount. ie slow time, real time, advanced real time. An understanding of force multipliers ie the tensing of the arm or leg at point of contact.  An understanding of basic self defence, especially knife defences.  The understand of the use of the White Coat Sovereign Forces Uniform.  The under Armor and over Armor which applies against knife attacks, how this uniform can be worn with under Armor and a Suit. Toe boots are a must. Unfortunately, in todays climate of violence, we can only rely on ourselves to protect our love ones.  Ie knife attacks across the FEYS ie Five Eyes Countries is out of control.  Many reasons why. However, we want you, the Unique individual, to learn our SEFS.  Make it a lifestyle change, live and breathe it daily. Our 1st Training Manual should be ready to go World Wide by Xmas 24, depending on World events. Teaser HINT:  Force multipliers are such things as tensing your leg or arm muscles at point of contact.  Example; body punch using force equals mass times acceleration.  First force multipliers is your hip, second is your shoulder, the invisible FM is the mass times acceleration.,  The weight of your arm travelling at speed into the target then the third FM is applied, ie the tensing of the body, in particular the arm muscles et al. at point of contact.  In Kyokushin full contact Karate this FM is applied to all techniques when using the repetition of such techniques under the Kia ie Karate yell, hence the tension of the arm or leg at extension. (breathing out).  IF you are not taught these two very important contentions then seek out a Dojo where they do. Note, Good luck on finding any that do. Except for us of course. These are white belt informations. Learning the use of the Sai, Bo and PR24 are recommended too. Want to see them work in real time etc then email me. Osu. Cheers Commander Steveo, WCSF.  

Want to contact me try email    Hi Guys just a reminder this Virtual Dojo training strategies are for YOU to help you learn to defend yourselves and Your Love ones. Not for those who have Hate in their hearts.

Some Light Research vids/book worth a look. Virus Mania by Dr S. Bailey, The Art of War, Sun Tsu, The Helegian Dialectic, The Plan, how we got here, by Jeremy Lee. Planned Surrender of Australia by Eric Butler. Satanic History of Babylon.  Baal, Baphamet, 24 Protocals of Zion. Law of War 2016 ed. Causal Propagation Semantics pdf. Law of Motion. The Killing Chronicles by Alan Leek. The Occult Art of Law. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy. Three Comrades Enich Maria Remarque. Verbal Judo. Should keep you busy. To know is to Understand. Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement. The Killing Chronicles is a Great NSW Police hero book of BMO of yesteryear, from 1940's to mid 1960s BMO who lost their lives in the execution of their Duties. Where are the heros of Today?  Shame on all those who have destroyed the Badge and Branding. Another 50x or so books that are also telling on what is occuring within our Societies, more books on my centerrightnews WIP website. KNOW Loxism, Know LOOSH, et al, always READ ABOVE YOUR I.Q.

STANDUP EVOLVED FIGHTING SYSTEM  DOJO RULES:  NOTE: Classes are FREE for next 3x months. FREEDOM LOVING DOJO.PS currently looking for Owner Operator dojo space in Australia and or New Zealand. 
1.   Private Dojo - Right Of Admission Reserved. 2.   Leave your EGO at the door. 3.   Training of Mature age only. (so no Pooliticians or Fooliticians).
4.   No iphones as WE DO wear body cameras and have CCTV when needed.5. Follow the instructions of the CEO SteveO aka Angel Warrior20th.
5.  Do not attend S.E.F.S if illegal drug or alcohol affected.  6. Bring water, yoga mat, towel. Wear dogi's (Karate uniform), or appropriate loose clothing. 7.  No face coverings allowed - not good for you doing 100x pressups with a baphamet mask on.  

This website is a Virtual Dojo since 2012. We strive for a lifetime of fitness and freedom, As retired Full Contact fighters from the Golden era of the 1980's and 1990's, and retired Para Militaries who never wore an apron, who have studied Target Groups and Target Areas our whole lives, now we are Forensic Crime Analysis, researching through all crimes. (Yes we did fight for our Country). Our four part instruction videos coming soon to SOMEWHERE. Part one is M.A.Biomechanics instruction class to White Belt. Coming soon. ...... by SteveQmodius

KIA TAHA, This Self defence system is dedicated to the memory of the late Shihan Tokujun Ishi, ET AL, Osu. STANDUP EVOLVED FIGHTING SYSTEM THEME SONG:  My Standup Fighting Role. To my dearest Elena whose support helped make all this possible. SPASIBA  #mandatesneveragain.  

Our V.I.M.E.R Approach to Martial Arts is one of the strenghts of S.E.F.S. through our Visionist Martial Arts. For 2021 and beyond using the 5x layers of thought instruction methods.  In everyday life we use the first 3x layers of thought. We teach Visionist Martial Arts and P.F.A. through our 4x and 5x layers of thought. Life Changing it is. Warning We use Subliminal messaging, muscle memory techniques, for you to learn as part of YOUR  Positive Self enforcement for you to protect yourself and loved ones. We don't tell you how to think, nor who to vote for, but give you the best Idea's on how to fight,  because we care about YOU. Osu.

V.   Visualise. I.    Internalise. M.  Memorise. E..  Equalise. R.   Repeat.    To learn this method.  come to training.

Dont forget the 3x time zones in teaching arms and leg techniques and the Force Multipliers too, they both go hand in hand ie can't have one without the other.  An understanding of Martial Arts Bio mechanics we will help you with.  Cheers for now from Steveo. .......

Hi and Welcome.  What does this fight system teach you? All systems work the Cardio, Strength and Flexibility. We add extreme core training, extreme timing training and extreme visualization training. We will be adding our Anti Domestic Violence against Women initiative. Which means womens FREE self defence classes ongoing bases.    TOUGH IT OUT OR GET OUT   Disclaimer    a/aT

All I know is FEAR, I see it in YOUR eyes, don't let fear hold you back.  

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